Video History Scotland
Clyde Paddle Steamers, waverley, arran, millport, rothesay, dunoon. dvd

Welcome to Video History Scotland
Producers of Scottish History Films on DVD. Video and Cine Film to DVD conversion transfer media services.
A unique window and archive dvd video history of Scotland's rich industrial and social history. Including the history of Glasgow and the River Clyde with the globally renowned clydebuilt shipbuilding and maritime heritage that produced the greatest ships liners, paddle steamers and steamers in the world. Relive the history and nostalgia of our historic now vintage steam train locomotives and railways.

Capturing the history and life on our Scottish islands and areas around the river Clyde and clyde coast over the last 100 years all captured for you on DVD.

Re-experience and rediscover the great clyde paddle steamers and ships of the river Clyde and their ports of call in and around the River Clyde including Glasgow, Largs, Millport, Rothesay, Arran, Helensburgh, Dunoon and many more. Recount the days of the one numerous steamers and their places of call around Loch Lomond .

Visit past history and events of the Vale of Leven, Balloch, Loch Lomond, Renton , Dumbarton and many more. Take a nostalgic railroad journey from Glasgow to Fort William for example aboard one of the great steam train locomotives recounting the great British steam trains and 150 years of the history of Scotland's and British steam trains, locomotives and railway companies. A great Scottish gift whether for yourself or for a loved one.
Our DVD titles have been carefully researched, written and produced using rare archive film footage and material that has been carefully collected and preserved over many years.
Video History Scotland is committed to documenting and preserving our rich Scottish history and heritage of bygone times, places and events and making these available for your enjoyment in a rich and varied menu of DVD titles.
We are focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet or exceed your expectations
We also offer professional Video tape or movie Film to DVD transfer and conversion services converting all video or camcorder tapes cine film (Super 8mm, Standard 8mm, 16mm or 9.5mm films and slides to DVD or PC file format.
Rare DVD Set "Clyde Steamer Memories Collection 1872 - 1989" . A Three Disk Special Edition and save £12.00 versus individual DVD purchase.

Once a familiar sight on Clyde waters the numerous iconic Clyde Steamers provided not only a vital transport and freight link to the many towns and islands of the Clyde but from Edwardian beginnings the steamers precipitated the successful development of Clyde “resorts” and a the now infamous trips “Doon the Watter”. In this truly intriguing and compelling account using rare archives we trace the amazing growth, lifetime of service and ultimate sad demise of the Clyde Steamer fleet between 1872 and 1989. We are treated to unrivalled scenes of these graceful iconic Clyde “ladies” in full sail each vessel with dramatic names including “Jupiter”, “Marmion”, “Duchess of Montrose” and “Jeanie Deans” to name but a few.
Disk 1 “Clyde Steamer Memories Part 1 1872 - 1948”
Includes fabulous rare scenes of Helensburgh from the pier in 1877 PS Hero and Windsor Castle. 1878 and Glasgow Fair Holidays with rare scenes of Ben More, Carrick Castle and Marquis of Lorne, 1885 Campbell’s Ben More, Eagle and Iona. By 1910 major resorts had been established, including Dunoon, Rothesay on beautiful Island of Bute and Millport on the Island of Cumbrae. Wonderful footage of Glasgow and South Western’s Paddle Steamer Juno tied up along the pier at Rothesay with holiday crowds thronging the pier and prom. All aboard in 1925 for a sail doon the watter from Bridge Wharf Glasgow. A proud King Edward fully loaded glides down river complete with a band on board, witness the sleek Queen Empress, Glen Sannox and Kylemore built in 1897. Nostalgic scenes of the Duchess of Argyll arriving in Rothesay Bay amidst the holiday crowds. The T.S. Glen Sannox and P.S. Juno. As the P.S. Caledonia leaves Dunoon we view Burns Highland Mary on Castle Hill. Mercury sister ship to the Caledonia, The Duchess of Fife being berthed in Rothesay Bay and the Duchess of Hamilton arriving at Rothesay and departing for Dunoon 1936. The Queen Empress and unique shots of the P.S. Iona. Helensburgh 1936 with unique scenes of the Lucy Ashton departing for Gourock and the P.S. Waverley in new colours.and many more nostalgic scenes.
Disk 2 “Clyde Steamer Memories Part 2 1949 - 1989”
This final era for many of these great ladies of the Clyde Steamers marked a turning point where travel needs now included the car and other vehicles and not only passengers. Relive and recall the glorious days of Clyde cruising aboard these unique and in many cases pioneering great Clyde steamers and ships.
For example we climb aboard for a cruise to Rothesay, Millport, Dunoon or down The Kyles of Bute aboard one of the many beautiful paddle or turbine steamers including the PS Duchess of Fife, TS Duchess of Montrose, TS Duchess of Hamilton, TS Queen Mary II, PS Caledonia, PS Jupiter, PS Talisman, TS St Columba, MV Lochfyne, MV Glen Sannox and the graceful favourite PS Jeanie Deans or perhaps one of the four “Maids” (Skelmorlie, Argyll, Ashton, Cumbrae) to name but a few great Clyde icons.Recall nostalgic scenes of the 1950s as we join the TS Duchess of Hamilton at Wemyss Bay for a sail to Rothesay Isle of Bute.
Disk 3 “Clyde Steamer Memories Part 3 1050 - 1968”
More fascinating archive material of the famous Clyde Steamer Fleet covering the period from the early 1950’s to the late 1960’s.A collection of truly noble and favourite Steamers are featured including the “Jeanie Deans” the “Talisman”, “Duchess of Montrose”, “Duchess of Hamilton” and “Queen Mary II” to name but a few. Visiting many popular Clyde resorts like Inverary, Isle of Arran and Lochgoilhead are incorporated to make this a truly nostalgic and beautiful account of times gone by.
Total Running time 170 mins
Special Price £29.99 (Price for individual DVDs £41.97) saving £12.00.

Rare, nostalgic footage of Swiss paddle steamer PS Wilhelm Tell and others on Lake Lucerne in 1965 - Click here to view video
Featured DVDs of the month:

NEW! DVD Set "Memories of The Vale of Leven Collection 1945 - 2000" . A Four Disk Special Edition Saving £15.97 versus individual DVD purchase. Click here for more information

NEW! 2 Disk DVD Set
"Memories of Rothesay Collection 1920-1990" - Seventy Years of Rothesay Memories. A Two 2 Disk Special Edition Save £3.99 versus individual DVD purchase.
Disk 1 DVD Scottish History Memories of Royal Rothesay Isle of Bute 1920-1990
Royal Rothesay Isle of Bute the Madeira of Scotland and the Pearl of the Clyde are terms once frequently associated with this beautiful Clyde island and early Victorian holiday destination. It’s the late 1920’s Glasgow Fair Holiday and Rothesay’s piers and prom are crowded with holiday makers arriving in one of the 30 Clyde steamers per day that called at the Isle of Bute. Rare wonderful scenes in the 1930’s of passengers arriving aboard the steamer eager to relax and enjoy their holiday on this island retreat. Share the times and fun as visitors take a tram to Ettrick Bay and enjoy a ride on the miniature Steam Railway or relax on Rothesay Bay beach where “children’s corner” is ever popular with youngsters enjoying the sand and sea. Join us in 1949 as we sail from Wemyss Bay before elegantly sailing into Rothesay Bay aboard the paddle steamer passing familiar landmarks as the paddle steamer Duchess of Montrose gracefully pulls away from Rothesay pier. The scenes of course completed with the famous P.S. Waverley making her presence known as a frequent visitor to Rothesay. Sailing trips daily for visitors on the “Gay Queen” were always a popular choice for an excursion. Experience iconic scene as the St Columba steams majestically down the Kyles of Bute passing Loch Striven and the TS Queen Mary glides elegantly into Rothesay Bay. In 1953 join the island celebrating the coronation of Queen Elizabeth with everyone enjoying the festivities and events. We catch a rare glimpse of the famous paddle steamer PS Jeanie Deans in 1954 as she departs from Rothesay pier her future now undermined by the advent of the new Caledonian MacBrayne ferries Arran, Bute and the Cowal. The 1st of June 1990 sees the celebrations and re-opening ceremony of the refurbished famous Rothesay Winter Gardens whose refurbishment was pioneered by the Rothesay Heritage Society and The Winter Garden Trust. This seventy year window into beautiful Royal Rothesay Isle of Bute and its places, scenes, history and events is a wonderful and nostalgic record whether you have ties to Bute directly or whether you really want to relive those golden precious memories of memorable trips or holidays to Scotland’s “Madera”. Narrated by C M. Liddell Running Time 74mins
Disk 2 “DVD Rothesay Isle of Bute in the Glorious 50s”
“Royal Rothesay” Isle of Bute with its magnificent beauty and its historic past is well deserved of its royal title. Whether you have links to the Isle of Bute or it holds warm memories of past trips or holidays we invite you to sail back in time to experience Rothesay in the glorious 1950’s. Its 1954 and “Glasgow Fair fortnight”, the pier in Rothesay Bay is packed with passengers disembarking from one of the many proud Clyde Steamers including the Marchioness of Lorne, The PS Caledonia and the PS Jeanie Deans. Revisit holiday scenes on the beach and promenade at Rothesay, Ettrick or Scalpsie Bay. Entertainment was in abundance with places to visit including Rothesay Castle, Skeoch Woods, Loch Fad, or live entertainment at the Winter Gardens or for those more energetic then a round of golf at the golf course overlooking Canada Hill or a short sailing trip aboard the Gay Queen or the Victor. All too soon the elegant PS Jeanie Deans sweeps into Rothesay Bay with a full load of new passengers our holiday at an and end and it’s time to leave. Filmed during the last great peak in the popularity of this beautiful island we invite you to visit or revisit the scenes, places and events of this magical “Clyde resort” .
Narrated by Magnus Magnusson BBC Scotland Running Time 28mins
Total Running time 102mins
NEW! DVD Set "Memories of Millport Collection Parts 1 & 2 1920-1985". A Two 2 Disk Special Edition and save £3.99 versus individual DVD purchase.

Disk 1 “Memories of Millport Isle of Cumbrae in the 1920’s & 1930’s.
A true window on Scottish history looking back to the 1920’s and 30’s on this beautiful Scottish island . The prime minister in office is David Lloyd George our monarch is King George V. Experience and see how holiday makers and visitors relaxed and enjoyed themselves on Millport during this era. The archive footage in this DVD was uncovered after more than 70 years in storage and had sadly been damaged by moisture. It has been painstakingly edited in order to bring you this historical visual record of Millport during the 1920's and 1930's. The producer would like to thank the following people for their contribution to this production. Mr Ronnie Stewart of Mid Kirkton Farm, Millport and Mr David Findlayson, The Rowans, Bute Terrace, Millport.
Narrated by Colin M. Liddell
Running Time 40mins
Disk 2 “Memories of Millport Isle of Cumbrae Part 2 1930-1985
The beautiful island of Millport or Great Cumbrae in the Firth of Clyde holds a magical and special place in our hearts for so many generations over the years. With its beautiful sandy beaches, secret coves famous landmarks and spectacular views across to the majestic Arran hills and memories of cycles around the island, boating and other holiday activities then it has long been a favourite for trips and holidays. Here we take a truly fascinating journey back in time and around the island’s favourite attractions and ever popular destinations. We witness and sail aboard the once numerous graceful steamers that brought visitors to this magical island over the last 80 years including The Lucy Ashton, The Talisman, The Duchess of Fife, The Marchioness of Lorne, The Jupiter, Maid of Ashton, The Wee Cumbrae and of course The Keppel and many more as they race each other to the pier. Remember long summer days spent visiting the island’s favourite haunts including The Cumbrae Club, The Garrison Tea Room, Kennedy’s Fintry Bay Tea Room, Coia’s Ritz Cafe, Kames Café, Copeland’s Emporium or Walter Kerrs or Mapes Toys &Cycle Hire to collect that all important bike.
Narrated by Ian Anderson BBC Scotland Running Time 55mins
DVD Memories of Dumbarton 1940-1975

Dumbarton (Fort of the Britons) famous for innovation and achievement particularly concerning engineering and shipbuilding. Examples of this include the world famous clipper Cutty Sark, also the first ocean going ship built of mild steel and the first ship propelled by steam turbine are just some examples of the proud innovation and engineering that Dumbarton and in this case William Denny Brothers can claim From our private film archives we are proud to share with you this rare and unique look back into the places, events and ever changing scenes in and around Dumbarton between the 1940 and 1975. Below are but a few of the scenes and events in this rare DVD of the town’s history and memories of which now exist almost entirely in these images. 1941 and air raids destroy 100 houses in Dumbarton including some in Levengrove Terrace, Kirkton Hill, Stirling Road and old St Patricks Primary School. Fascinating colour scenes of Victory Celebrations in Dumbarton in May 1945 with parades and special events and the High Street full of bunting and crowds celebrating the end of the war.
For football fans we visit Boghead in 1944 to see the “Sons of the Rock” in action in full colour. Again at Boghead this time in 1946 we join Summer Sports and games including highland dancing and a Bonny Baby and Gala Queen competitions in beautiful colour. Queen Elizabeth visits the town in 1953 to receive the keys to Dumbarton Castle and to open the “new” Strathleven Industrial Estate. We take a short tour around 1950’s Dumbarton visiting many familiar streets and places. 1955 sees new plans for the town being drawn up that result in the start of some major changes in Dumbarton and its familiar streets and buildings. 1963 and a major blow is dealt to the town as we see colour scenes of Denny’s yard emptying for the very last time with job number 1504 still on the blocks and the Yard, Engine Works and offices lie silent. Witness the changing face of the town as demolishing and reconstruction begins. 1969 sees the opening of the new Town Centre and the Concorde Leisure Centre. Again we tour around Quayside, Westbridge end, Dalreoch, Comely Bank Buildings and more before we witness the new Park Crescent and the construction and completion of the new Artizan Bridge in 1973. We take stock of all the redevelopment and changes during this period of change as we take in remaining scenes of Garshake, Barnhill, Oxhill, Castlelhill, Westcliffe, Bellsmyre, Knoxland, Dalreoch and landmarks including The Denny Club, Brock Baths and Dumbarton Academy to name but a few. Whether you live in Dumbarton or have ties to Dumbarton you are sure to find something of interest within these rare nostalgic scenes of this proud town. Narrated by Mark Gray Running time 66 mins